Module: getExperiments | |
---|---| is a script run to return a text output of selected experiments data. It is presently used by the madmatlab methods getExperiments, and via the cgi script the madmatlab method getExperimentsWeb. It has the following input arguments: --code=<instrument code> (integer) - more than one allowed; 0 indicates all instruments (default) --startyear=<year> --startmonth=<month> (1-12) (defaults to 1) --startday=<day> (1-31) (defaults to 1) --starthour=<hour> (0-24)(defaults to 0) --startmin=<min> (0-59)(defaults to 0) --startsec=<sec> (0-61)(defaults to 0) --endyear=<year> --endmonth=<month> (1-12) (defaults to 12) --endday=<day> (1-31) (defaults to 31) --endhour=<hour> (0-24) (defaults to 23) --endmin=<min> (0-59) (defaults to 59) --endsec=<sec> (0-61) (defaults to 59) --local=<1 or 0> - if 1, return local experiments only, otherwise, return all. Defaults to local. --trusted=<0 if not, 1 if is> (default to not trusted). If not trusted, skips private experiments If no code given, all instruments assumed. If no startyear given, starttime filter not used. If no endyear given, no endtime filter used. Returns comma-delimited data, one line for each experiment, with the following fields:
This script, and the corresponding cgi script are available to any scripting language that wants to access Madrigal metadata. |