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The following are the methods for accessing Madrigal data remotely:
A good way to learn how to use this IDL API is to run this example.
*********************************************************** ;+ ; NAME: ; madgetallinstruments(madurl) ; ; PURPOSE: ; Get information on all instruments with data at the Madrigal site specified ; by madUrl ; ; INPUTS: ; madurl - scalar string giving a fully qualified url to the Madrigal site ; ; OUTPUT: an array of structures with the following fields: ; 1. name - (string) Example: 'Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar' ; 2. code - (int) Example: 30 ; 3. mnemonic - (3 char string) Example: 'mlh' ; 4. latitude - (double) Example: 45.0 ; 5. longitude (double) Example: 110.0 ; 6. altitude (double) Example: 0.015 (km) ; 7. category (string) Example: 'Incoherent scatter radars' ; EXAMPLE: ; result = madGetAllInstruments('http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal') ; ; $Id: madidl.html 4425 2014-07-30 18:47:27Z brideout $ ; FUNCTION madgetallinstruments, madurl
*********************************************************** ;+ ; NAME: ; madgetexperiments(madurl, instcode, startyear, startmonth, startday, starthour, startmin, startsec, ; endyear, endmonth, endday, endhour, endmin, endsec, local) ; ; PURPOSE: ; Get information on experiments for a given instrument and date range ; ; INPUTS: ; madurl - scalar string giving a fully qualified url to the Madrigal site ; instcode = int or array of ints representing instrument code(s). Special value of 0 selects all instruments. ; startyear, startmonth, startday, starthour, startmin, startsec - 6 ints representing start time ; endyear, endmonth, endday, endhour, endmin, endsec - 6 ints representing end time ; local - 0 if all sites desired, 1 (default) if only local experiments desired ; ; OUTPUT: an array of structures representing experiments between the dates with the following fields: ; 1. strid (string) Example: "10000111". Uniquely identifies experiment. Can be converted to a long long. ; Not stored as a long long because that just doesn't seem to work, so user needs to convert. ; 2. url (string) Example: 'http://www.haystack.mit.edu/cgi-bin/madtoc/1997/mlh/03dec97' ; Deprecated - use realUrl field instead (described below) ; 3. name (string) Example: 'Wide Latitude Substorm Study' ; 4. siteid (int) Example: 1 ; 5. sitename (string) Example: 'Millstone Hill Observatory' ; 6. instcode (int) Code of instrument. Example: 30 ; 7. instname (string) Instrument name. Example: 'Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar' ; 8. startyear, startmonth, startday, starthour, startmin, startsec - 6 ints representing start time of experiments ; 9. endyear, endmonth, endday, endhour, endmin, endsec - 6 ints representing end time of experiments ; 10. isLocal - 1 if a local experiment, 0 if not ; 11. madrigalUrl - url of Madrigal site. Used if not a local experiment. ; 12. pi - name of experiment PI ; 13. piemail - email of experiment PI ; 14. realUrl - real url to experiment web page ; If no experiements found, returns a Null Pointer (IDL does not allow empty arrays) ; ; Note that if the returned experiment is not local, the experiment id will be -1. This means that you ; will need to rerun madgetexperiments with the url of the ; non-local experiment (experiment.madrigalUrl). ; This is because ; while Madrigal sites share metadata about experiments, the real experiment ids are only ; known by the individual Madrigal sites. See example_madidl.pro for an example of this ; for an example of this. ; EXAMPLE: ; result = madGetExperiments('http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal', 30, 1998,1,1,0,0,0, 1998,1,31,23,59,59,1) ; ; $Id: madidl.html 4425 2014-07-30 18:47:27Z brideout $ ; FUNCTION madGetExperiments, madurl, instcode, startyear, startmonth, startday, starthour, startmin, startsec, $ endyear, endmonth, endday, endhour, endmin, endsec, local
*********************************************************** ;+ ; NAME: ; madgetexperimentfiles(madurl, expid, getnondefault) ; ; PURPOSE: ; returns a list of all Madrigal Experiment Files for a given experiment id ; ; INPUTS: ; madurl - scalar string giving a fully qualified url to the Madrigal site ; expid - experiment id as returned by madgetexperiments ; getnondefault - an optional argument. If 1, get all files, including non-default. If 0 (the default) ; get only default files. In general, non-default files should be used with caution, and most users ; should set this argument to 0. ; ; OUTPUT: an array of structures representing experiment files for that experiment with the following fields: ; 1. name (string) Example '/opt/madrigal/blah/mlh980120g.001' ; 2. kindat (int) Kindat code. Example: 3001 ; 3. kindatdesc (string) Kindat description: Example 'Basic Derived Parameters' ; 4. category (int) (1=default, 2=variant, 3=history, 4=real-time) ; 5. status (string)('preliminary', 'final', or any other description) ; 6. permission (int) 0 for public, 1 for private ; 7. expId - experiment id (int) of the experiment this MadrigalExperimentFile belongs in ; If no experiement files found, returns a Null Pointer (IDL does not allow empty arrays) ; EXAMPLE: ; result = madGetExperimentFiles('http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal', 300041, 0) ; ; $Id: madidl.html 4425 2014-07-30 18:47:27Z brideout $ ; FUNCTION madGetExperimentFiles, madurl, expId, getNonDefault
*********************************************************** ;+ ; NAME: ; madgetexperimentfileparameters(madurl, fullFilename) ; ; PURPOSE: ; returns a list of all measured and derivable parameters in file ; ; INPUTS: ; madurl - scalar string giving a fully qualified url to the Madrigal site ; fullFilename - full path to experiment file as returned by madGetExperimentFiles. ; ; OUTPUT: an array of structures representing parameters for that experiment file with the following fields: ; 1. mnemonic (string) Example 'dti' ; 2. description (string) Example: "F10.7 Multiday average observed (Ott)" ; 3. isError (int) 1 if error parameter, 0 if not ; 4. units (string) Example "W/m2/Hz" ; 5. isMeasured (int) 1 if measured, 0 if derivable ; 6. category (string) Example: "Time Related Parameter" ; 7. isSure (int) 1 if parameter can be found for every record, 0 if can only be found for some ; 8. isAddIncrement - 1 if additional increment, 0 if normal, -1 if unknown (this capability ; only added with Madrigal 2.5) ; EXAMPLE: ; result = madGetExperimentFileParameters('http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal', '/opt/madrigal/blah/mlh980120g.001') ; ; $Id: madidl.html 4425 2014-07-30 18:47:27Z brideout $ ; FUNCTION madGetExperimentFileParameters, madurl, fullFilename
*********************************************************** ;+ ; NAME: ; madsimpleprint(madurl, fullFilename, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation) ; ; PURPOSE: ; madSimplePrint prints the data in the given file is a simple ascii format. ; ; madSimplePrint prints only the parameters in the file, without filters or derived ; parameters. To choose which parameters to print, to print derived parameters, or ; to filter the data, use isprint instead. ; ; INPUTS: ; madurl - scalar string giving a fully qualified url to the Madrigal site ; fullFilename - full path to experiment file as returned by madGetExperimentFiles. ; user_fullname - full name of user making request ; user_email - email address of user making request ; user_affiliation - affiliation of user making request ; ; OUTPUT: a structure with following fields: ; 1. parameters - an array of strings giving the mnemonics of the parameters. Equal to the number of columns in data ; 2. data - a two dimensional array of double. Number of columns = number of parameters above. Number of rows ; is the number of measurments. Note that Madrigal often contains a number a measurments at the same time ; (such as when a radar makes different range measurements at the same time), so two or more rows may have the same time. ; EXAMPLE: ; result = madSimplePrint('http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal', '/opt/madrigal/blah/mlh980120g.001', $ ; 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT') ; ; $Id: madidl.html 4425 2014-07-30 18:47:27Z brideout $ ; FUNCTION madSimplePrint, madurl, fullFilename, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation
*********************************************************** ;+ ; NAME: ; madprint(madurl, fullFilename, parms, filters, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation, ignore_no_data, verbose) ; ; PURPOSE: ; madPrint returns a two-dimensional array of doubles based on user-specified parmeters and filters. ; ; See madSimplePrint to print a file with all data and just those parameters in the file itself. ; ; madPrint allows you to choose which parameters to print, to print derived parameters, or ; to filter the data. ; ; INPUTS: ; madurl - scalar string giving a fully qualified url to the Madrigal site ; fullFilename - full path to experiment file as returned by madGetExperimentFiles. ; parms - Comma delimited string listing requested parameters (no spaces allowed). ; filters - Space delimited string listing filters desired, as in isprint command (see ; http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal/ug_commandLine.html#isprint for details) ; user_fullname - full name of user making request ; user_email - email address of user making request ; user_affiliation - affiliation of user making request ; ignore_no_data - if 0 (the default), raises error if no data, If 1, ignores no data ; verbose - if 0 (the default) no printing progress information. If 1, print progress information. ; ; OUTPUT: a two dimensional array of doubles. Number of columns = number of parameters requested. Number of rows ; is the number of measurments. Note that Madrigal often contains a number a measurments at the same time ; (such as when a radar makes different range measurements at the same time), so two or more rows may have the same time. ; EXAMPLE: ; result = madPrint('http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal', '/opt/madrigal/blah/mlh980120g.001', $ ; 'year,month,day,hour,min,sec,gdalt,ti', 'filter=gdalt,500,600 filter=ti,1900,2000' $ ; 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT') ; ; $Id: madidl.html 4425 2014-07-30 18:47:27Z brideout $ ; FUNCTION madPrint, madurl, fullFilename, parms, filters, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation, ignore_no_data, verbose
*********************************************************** ;+ ; NAME: ; maddownloadfile, madurl, fullFilename, outputFile, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation, format ; ; PURPOSE: ; downloads a Madrigal file in simple ascii format to local computer ; ; INPUTS: ; madurl - scalar string giving a fully qualified url to the Madrigal site ; fullFilename - full path to experiment file as returned by madGetExperimentFiles. ; outputFile - path to save file locally ; user_fullname - full name of user making request ; user_email - email address of user making request ; user_affiliation - affiliation of user making request ; format - 'ascii'or 'hdf5'. Default is ascii. ; ; EXAMPLE: ; maddownloadfile, 'http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal', '/opt/madrigal/experiments/1998/mlh/20jan98/mlh980120g.002', '/tmp/junk.hdf5', & ; 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT', 'hdf5' ; ; $Id: madidl.html 4425 2014-07-30 18:47:27Z brideout $ ; PRO maddownloadfile, madurl, fullFilename, outputFile, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation, format
*********************************************************** ;+ ; NAME: ; madglobalprint, madurl, parms, output, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation, startDate, endDate, ; inst, filters, kindats, expName, fileDesc ; ; PURPOSE ; madglobalprint is a procedure to search through the entire Madrigal database ; for appropriate data to print in ascii to a file ; ; INPUTS: ; ; madurl - url to homepage of site to be searched (Example: ; 'http://www.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal/' ; ; parms - a comma delimited string listing the desired Madrigal ; parameters in mnemonic form. ; (Example: 'year,month,day,hour,min,sec,gdalt,dte,te'). ; Ascii space-separated data will be returned in the same ; order as given in this string. See ; http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/cgi-bin/madrigal/getMetadata ; "Parameter code table" for all possible parameters. ; ; output - the local file name to store the resulting ascii data. ; (Example: '/tmp/isprint.txt') ; ; user_fullname - the full user name (Example: 'Bill Rideout') ; ; user email - Example: 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu' ; ; user_affiliation - Example: 'MIT' ; ; startDate - a time in IDL Julian Date format at which to begin the search ; ; endDate - a time in IDL Julian Date format at which to end the search ; ; inst - instrument code (integer). See ; http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/cgi-bin/madrigal/getMetadata ; "Instrument Table" for this list. Examples: 30 for Millstone ; Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar, 80 for Sondrestrom Incoherent ; Scatter Radar ; ; Optional inputs ; ; filters - is the optional filters requested in exactly the form given in isprint ; command line (example = 'filter=gdalt,,500 filter=ti,500,1000') ; See: http://www.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal/ug_commandLine.html for details ; ; kindats - is an optional array of kindat (kinds of data) codes to accept. ; The default is a null pointer, which will accept all kindats. ; ; expName - a case insensitive string as used by strmatch that matches the experiment ; name. Default is zero-length string, which matches all experiment names. ; ; fileDesc - a case insensitive string as used by strmatch that matches the file description. ; Default is zero-length string, which matches all file descriptions. ; ; OUTPUT: Nothing. ; ; Affects: Writes results to output file ; ; ; EXAMPLE: ; madglobalprint, 'http://www.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal/', $ ; 'year,month,day,hour,min,sec,gdalt,dte,te', $ ; '/tmp/isprint.txt', $ ; 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT', $ ; julday(1,19,1998,0,0,0), julday(1,21,1998,23,59,59), 30 ; ; $Id: madidl.html 4425 2014-07-30 18:47:27Z brideout $ ; pro madglobalprint, madurl, parms, output, user_fullname, user_email, user_affiliation, startDate, endDate, $ inst, filters, kindats, expName, fileDesc
*********************************************************** ;+ ; NAME: ; madcalculator(madurl, year, month, day, hour, min, sec, startLat, endLat, stepLat, ; startLong, endLong, stepLong, startAlt, endAlt, stepAlt, parms) ; ; PURPOSE: ; madcalculator calculates requested derived parameter for a given time and grid of spatial points ; ; INPUTS: ; madurl - scalar string giving a fully qualified url to the Madrigal site ; year, month, day, hour, min, sec - time at which to run calculation ; startLat - Starting geodetic latitude, -90 to 90 (float) ; endLat - Ending geodetic latitude, -90 to 90 (float) ; stepLat - Latitude step (0.1 to 90) (float) ; startLong - Starting geodetic longitude, -180 to 180 (float) ; endLong - Ending geodetic longitude, -180 to 180 (float) ; stepLong - Longitude step (0.1 to 180) (float) ; startAlt - Starting geodetic altitude, >= 0 (float) ; endAlt - Ending geodetic altitude, > 0 (float) ; stepAlt - Altitude step (>= 0.1) (float) ; parms - comma delimited string of Madrigal parameters desired ; ; OUTPUT: a two dimensional array of doubles. Number of columns = 3 + number of parameters requested, because the ; first three parameters are always geodetic latitude, longitude, and altitude. Number of rows ; is the number of latitudes * number of longitudes * number of altitudes. ; EXAMPLE: ; result = madcalculator(1999,2,15,12,30,0,45,55,5,-170,-150,10,200,200,0,'bmag,bn') ; ; $Id: madidl.html 4425 2014-07-30 18:47:27Z brideout $ ; FUNCTION madcalculator, madurl, year, month, day, hour, min, sec, startLat, endLat, stepLat, $ startLong, endLong, stepLong, startAlt, endAlt, stepAlt, parms
; Simple example of all methods in the remote IDL interface to Madrigal (madidl) ; ; $Id: madidl.html 4425 2014-07-30 18:47:27Z brideout $ PRO example_madidl ; these are the instrument codes for the Millstone ISR. Run the function madGetAllInstruments ; to see a list of all instruments available in Madrigal instList = [30,31,32] ; run this test for two different sites (Haystack and SRI), using the test files in each site siteList = ['http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal', $ 'http://isr.sri.com/madrigal/' ] for i=0, n_elements(siteList)-1 do begin site = siteList[i] print, 'Testing Madrigal url ', site ; the highest level of Madrigal data is the instrument - here we get a list of all available instruments ; See madgetallinstruments.pro for a definition of the instrument structure returned in an array result = madGetAllInstruments(site) print, 'madGetAllInstruments returned', result print, "" ; the next level of Madrigal is the experiment. An experiment has only one instrument associated with ; it. In this case, we ask for all experiments in Jan 1998 for any Millstone ISR radar. sonce this ; is a standard test file, its found at both Millstone and SRI ; See madgetexperiments.pro for a definition of the experiment structure returned in an array result = madGetExperiments(site, instList, 1998,1,19,0,0,0, 1998,1,20,23,59,59,1) print, 'madGetExperiments returned ', result print, "" ; verify at least one returned - note a null pointer is returned since IDL does not support empty arrays resultSize = size(result) if (resultSize[1] eq 10) then continue ; no experiments found ; next we get an array of files in that experiment. See madgetexperimentfiles.pro for a definition ; of the experimentfile structure returned in an array expId = long64(result[0].strid) result = madGetExperimentFiles(site, expid, 1) print, 'madGetExperimentFiles returned ', result print, "" ; verify at least one returned - note a null pointer is returned since IDL does not support empty arrays resultSize = size(result) if (resultSize[1] eq 10) then continue ; no experiment files found ; next we want to get a list of all parameters. Note Madrigal allows access to both parameters in the file ; (called measured parameters) and parameters derivable form the measured ones (called derived parameters). ; See madgetexperimentfileparameters.pro for a definition of the parmeter structure returned in an array fullFilename = result[0].name result = madGetExperimentFileParameters(site, fullFilename) print, 'madGetExperimentFileParameters returned ', result print, "" ; the next method effectively downloads the file into an IDL 2-D array. It only downloads measured parameters ; in the file. See more advanced method madPrint to choose measured or derived parameters and/or to filter data. ; See madsimpleprint.pro for details of how the data is returned result = madSimplePrint(site, fullFilename, 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT') print, 'size of data returned by madSimplePrint is ', size(result.data) print, 'madSimplePrint parameters are ', result.parameters print, "" ; the next method is similar to madsimpleprint, except the user chooses which measured or derived parameters ; to download, and can filter data using the filter string as discussed in ; http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal/ug_commandLine.html#isprint ; See madprint.pro for details of how the data is returned result = madPrint(site, fullFilename, 'year,month,day,hour,min,sec,gdalt,ti', 'filter=recno,5,6 filter=ti,1000,', $ 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT') print, 'size of data returned by madPrint is ', size(result) print, "" ; the next method is similar to madSimplePrint, except that it downloads the data from ; a file into a simple column delimited formated file on your local computer maddownloadfile, site, fullFilename, '/tmp/junk5.txt', 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT' print, 'file has been downloaded to /tmp/junk5.txt' ; The next method is used to run the Madrigal derivation engine for any random time and array of geodetic points in space ; In other words, things such as Magnetic field and geophysicals indices can be calculated without a Madrigal file. ; See madCalculator.pro for details of how the data is returned result = madCalculator(site, 1999,2,15,12,30,0,45,55,5,-170,-150,10,200,200,0,'bmag,bn') print, 'madCalculator returned ', result print, "" ; The next procedure madglobalPrint allows you to get data from multiple files in a particular Madrigal datbase ; at once. Since it can return very large data sets, it writes to a file rather than an IDL array madglobalPrint, site, 'year,month,day,hour,min,sec,gdalt,dte,te', $ '/tmp/isprint.txt', 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT', $ julday(1,19,1998,0,0,0), julday(1,21,1998,23,59,59), 30, $ '', [3408, 3409, 3410], '*world*' ; The next procedure madglobaldownload allows you to download multiple files in a particular Madrigal datbase ; at once print, 'Using madglobaldownload to get files in ascii format' madglobaldownload, 'http://www.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal/', $ '/tmp', $ 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT', $ julday(1,19,1998,0,0,0), julday(1,21,1998,23,59,59), 30, $ [3408, 3409, 3410] ; Next madglobaldownload is called to download Hdf5 files print, 'Using madglobaldownload to get files in hdf5 format' madglobaldownload, 'http://www.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal/', $ '/tmp', $ 'Bill Rideout', 'brideout@haystack.mit.edu', 'MIT', $ julday(1,19,1998,0,0,0), julday(1,21,1998,23,59,59), 30, $ [3408, 3409, 3410], 'hdf5' endfor ; next Madrigal site ; an example of getting data from a site from a different Madrigal site - search for Poker Flat data from Millstone site site = 'http://madrigal.haystack.mit.edu/madrigal' instList = [61] ; Poker Flat ISR result = madGetExperiments(site, instList, 2008,4,1,0,0,0, 2008,4,30,23,59,59,0) print, 'madGetExperiments returned ', result ; handle a non-local experiment if (result[0].isLocal eq 0) then begin site = result[0].madrigalUrl ; call madGetExperiments again with local url result = madGetExperiments(site, instList, 2008,4,1,0,0,0, 2008,4,30,23,59,59,0) endif expId = long64(result[0].strid) result = madGetExperimentFiles(site, expid, 1) print, 'madGetExperimentFiles returned ', result print, "" END
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