Sorry! This was written in 1995,
but it has been developed a lot since that.
Contact me for recent
information about the model
AIMM: Assimilative Ionospheric Model for Mid-latitudes
The electron density and ion species O+, NO+, O2+ and N2+
are obtained numerically by solving the equations of
continuity for all 4 ions and of momentum for O+. 21
chemical reactions are involved, with stable as well as
meta-stable O+ considered. EUV91/EUVAC, MSIS86, HWM90/HWMMU
and IRI95/Millstone Models are adopted in order to
determine the background solar radiation flux and neutral
composition, temperature and wind. Observed foF2 may be
used to fit the simulated profile to the observed point at
F2 peak.
geophysical location (for mid-latitudes),
date of year,
solar 10.7cm flux,
Ap index,
electron density at 500km (users can select Millstone
Hill model, IRI95 values or observed foF2).
number density for electron as well as O+, NO+, O2+ and N2+,
total contents within 100-500km and below the F2 peak, with
the minimum time interval of 5 minutes for 24 hours, and
minimum height interval of 2 km
Online Computations
Click here:
For Ionospheric Data Assimilations
(This part is NEW !)
It solves the O+ diffusion equation, derived from the continuity and the
momentum equations of O+, and the mass continuity equation for NO+, O2+
and N2+ to compute Ne over 100--500 km altitude. The lower boundary is
assumed to be in photochemical equilibrium. The upper boundary density is
set to the measured electron density. Plasma temperatures are set to
measured values. Photoelectron impact is considered with a formula for
the ratio of secondary production to photoionization as given by Richards
and Torr [1988]. We allow for the effects of vibrationally excited N2 by
using the rate coefficient for the reaction of O+ with N2 as expressed by
Buonsanto} [1995].
We use an empirical model of meridional ion drifts perpendicular to the
geomagnetic field [ Zhang et al., 2000] to allow for the ExB drift
contribution to the ion vertical motion. We use the MU radar wind
climatology developed by Kawamura et al. [2000] to represent the values of
the meridional wind used in the model. The neutral concentration and
temperature are given by MSIS86 [Hedin, 1987] and the solar flux by EUVAC
[Richards et al., 1994].
We modify each of these parameters, one or two or three at a time, for
best fit between model and data. Our assimilation system also estimates
the correlation coefficient if there are more than one variable being
fitted. This helps examine the uniquness of the derived variables.
Zhang S-R, Xin-yu Huang, Yuan-zhi Su and S. M. Radicella,
A Physical Model for One-dimensional and Time- dependent
Ionosphere, Part I. Description of the Model,
Annali di Geofisica, Vol 36, N.5-6, 1993
Zhang S-R and Huang, A numerical study of ionospheric
profiles at midlatitudes
Ann. Geophysocae, 13, 551-557,1995
Zhang S. R., S. Fukao and W. L. Oliver, Data modeling and
assimilation studies with the MU radar
J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 61, 563-583, 1999
Zhang, S.-R., W. L. Oliver, S. Fukao, Y. Otsuka, A study of
the forenoon ionospheric F2-layer behavior over the middle
and upper atmospheric radar, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 15,823-15,833, 2000
Zhang, S.-R., W. L. Oliver, S. Fukao, S. Kawamura,
Extraction of Solar and Thermospheric Information from the
Ionospheric Electron Density Profile, J. Geophys. Res.,
106, 12,821-12,836, 2001
Those interested users may contact the model author at the
address below:
Dr. Shunrong Zhang
MIT Haystack Observatory
Route 40, Westford, MA 01886